A New Feature of Jamaican Grill: “The Student Shack” 

Reported By: Nathaniel Dulla

The newest Jamaican Grill location opened its doors on September 2021 in the village of Mangilao. This new branch features the unique Jamaican Grill “Student Shack” that no other branches have. 

This room can cater to teachers, professors and students who would like to use the room for hosting lectures. This room can accommodate 25 people and has a 65-inch TV that can be used as a presentation screen, in this case we found a swivel tv mount 65 inch that is perfect for you.

Mangilao is a populated village having two large high schools as well as the University of Guam and the Guam Community College. Omar Nobuo, marketing assistant of Jamaican Grill expressed how the new “Student Shack” attracts students in the area. 

“Since our Mangilao location opened in September 2021, we have experienced students coming in and utilizing the Jamaican Grill student shack.” says Nobuo. 

Nobuo also explains how Jamaican Grill offer special items for students, but is in the process of revitalizing this feature. 

“Jamaican Grill does offer $8 student plates for FBLA members out of Harvest Christian Academy through their Atlas card,” says Nobuo. 

He also mentioned how the University of Guam students can get the same discounts. 

“This offer was available to the University of Guam, but we just need to update this feature on the TritonGo app. 

The Student shack is not only available for students and teachers but Jamaican grill welcomes all. 

“Jamaican Grill welcomes the academia community, business people, local artists, and families to use this space. This space would be ideal for family outings.” says Nobuo.  

The student shack brings new opportunities for Jamaican Grill and can become a new hangout zone for students in the area. This new location is taking a different approach to attracting customers and Omar expressed how they would like the input from the students on what they want to see incorporated for the future.