CIS Roy Kerr: A greener Guam

The University of Guam’s Center of Island Sustainability is the program in charge of renewable energy and sustainable lifestyles. 25 year old  Roy Kerr was recently hired for his degree in science and passion for agriculture.

When it comes to healthy lifestyle and  reforesting trees, Kerr is an expert. 

“Our main focus here is to serve the island and giveback  to the environment while educating about  the causes of forest fires.” Kerr said.

The CIS house is retrofitted with energy saving resources such as heat resistant paint on the roof, renewable water storages and solar panels to name a few.

“The solar panels are great  and we have a really great water filter system that keeps our nursery well fed.” Kerr said.

Kerr’s mission is reforesting the islands trees as well as nursing endangered species that will then be transplanted to the wild.

“We raise native and endangered species of plants in our nursery in hopes of repopulating the islands forestry.”  

“Our end goal is to be able to nurture native and endangered plant species that we can then transfer to be reforested.” Kerr said.

Once the trees are ready to be transplanted to the wild, Kerr’s team preps the location by removing any competing species of plants.

“Not only do we replant but we also remove invasive species such as competing weeds for our plant to grow in a controlled environment.” Kerr said.

“I chose this field as its my way of giving back to the community that raised me,  I love the people and the environment here it’s a lot of fun.”