Cyaundra Shimizu Quitugua: Wife, Mother, Student Life Director

Cyaundra Shimizu Quitugua is the student life director of the Student Life Office under the Enrollment Management and Student Success division of the University of Guam.

She graduated from UOG with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in public administration, making her a proud alumna. From there, she was offered a position in the Student Life Office as a recruiter and could not pass it up.

Eventually, the position for director at the Student Life Office was offered to Quitugua when Mrs. Eden, the former director, was transferred to Graduate Studies.

Her favorite part of her job is working with college students. Events like the new student orientations allow her to interact and encourage incoming Tritons to be involved with student organizations and activities.

Quitugua does wish that she could have a bigger office to make students feel more welcome.

When she is not working, Quitugua loves spending time with her family and relaxing at home. She had recently married her husband, Michael Quitugua, on June 20, 2018.

She also has two beautiful children, a 12-year-old and an 11-month-old girl in addition to a baby boy on the way.

Currently, Quitugua is debating between getting a second master’s degree in counseling or pursuing a doctorate.