Dodgeball Brings Together Students and Alumni

Team SGA, Senator Luke Santos prepares to dodge a ball (Photo by Integrated Marketing Communications)
Team SGA, Senator Luke Santos prepares to dodge a ball (Photo by Integrated Marketing Communications)

By John Mugol/Triton’s Call Staff

The University of Guam held the Hunger Games Dodgeball Tournament on Nov. 19.

The event was sponsored by UOG’s Integrated Marketing Communications department.

Nine teams entered the Calvo Fieldhouse with the hopes of garnering bragging rights and a chance to win tickets to the Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part II premiere.

The teams were diverse as they represented the different colleges of UOG, the student government association, other student organizations, alumni, and ROTC.

The rules were that each team should have 10 tributes, with at least two female tributes playing at all times. A team should also have alternates, if necessary.

Balls were lined up at the center of the court, with opposite teams at both ends.

At the blow of the whistle, tributes took a ball as fast as they could, and ran back at the end of the court. With the start of the game, another whistle was blown.

A player with a ball would target a tribute of the opposite team. A tribute hit by a ball would be eliminated. When a tribute caught a ball thrown by an opposing tribute, that tribute was also eliminated.

The team that eliminated all of the tributes in an opposing team won a game.

According to Bernie Capindo, marketing communications coordinator, the winning team was The Avengers. The Avengers was a group of students not associated with any student organization.