Simon Sanchez Class of 2019 “Run with The Sharks: Race to Graduation” annual 5K

The Simon A. Sanchez High School senior class of 2019 will be holding a 5K “Run with The Sharks: Race to Graduation” on Saturday, Dec. 22, 2018, at the school’s campus. This is an annual race.

Both the start and finish lines are located on the Sanchez campus.

Show time is at 5:30 a.m. and go time is at 6 a.m.

Entrance fees for this event are as follows: $7 for students, $10 for adults, $25 for a group of four students and $35 for a group of four adults.

This event will benefit the SSHS senior class of 2019, who are raising money to fund events such as their graduation and prom.

The class officers and advisers will announce registration.

For more information or if you are interested in making any contributions, contact the class council via Twitter @sshsco2019, call 489-8917, or e-mail the council’s president