Acclaimed dance ensemble to shed light on the role of indigenous dance at UOG Fine Arts Theatre

The Dancing Earth indigenous dance company will speak and perform at the University of Guam
Fine Arts Theatre on Tuesday, Oct. 10. Humanities Guåhan is sponsoring the event.

Rulan Tangen, the company’s director and choreographer, will headline the program.

The dance production will feature a total of seven performers showcasing Dancing Earth’s grand
mission of revitalizing appreciation for the biocultural diversity of Native Americans.

The 30-minute performance will be preceded by a panel discussion led by Tangen at 7 p.m.,
which will focus on the role of women and dance in the perpetuation of indigenous art within a
contemporary landscape.

Recognized as one of the country’s premier intertribal dance ensembles, Dancing Earth has
traveled across the nation in efforts to bring greater awareness to the issues, triumphs and
creative spirit of indigenous communities. Their previous programs have explored themes of
animism, nature and decolonization.

Tuesday’s show is among the several stops scheduled in Dancing Earth’s weeklong tour around
Guam, which includes a HITA presentation at the Guam Museum on Thursday, Oct. 12, and a
performance at Humanities Guåhan’s benefit dinner on Saturday, Oct. 14.

Although the public event is free, seats are limited. For more information, visit