High School Pageant Winner Aims for Miss Universe Crown

Teofila K. Borja, a student at Tiyan High School, assumed beauty pageants were easy and effortless.

After competing for the title of Miss Teen Guam in 2018, she later found participating in pageants turned out a lot more challenging than she had expected.

Competing against 12 young women to become the next Miss Teen Guam, she kept one thing in mind.

“I just wanted to make my family proud and not only that but prove to myself, stick with it and do your best,” she said.

Showing up to five-hour afternoon rehearsals after school, following a strict diet, sacrificing time with her friends and searching for companies to sponsor her. Although she felt like giving up at times, her family, specifically her mother, kept her grounded.

Her mother is always supporting her, gathering sponsors, constantly driving to and from practice and prepping Borja behind the scenes. She is one of the many things that motivate Borja to perform her best in the pageant.

The Miss Teen Guam 2018 is a preliminary competition that requires hard work and dedication.

“I ended up crying and I don’t mean to be emotional, but you can’t help it because of all that you’ve been through. It just feels so nice to have your hard efforts acknowledged and get rewarded,” Borja said.

Borja secured the title of Miss Teen 2018 as well as an all-paid opportunity to travel to the Philippines to compete in another pageant.

She was also offered a chance to attend a modeling school in Australia but respectfully declined.

Borja has plans to move off-island in hopes of exploring the various opportunities the world has to offer.

She looks forward to graduating with her class and setting her adult life in motion.

She has been yearning to get back on the runway and participate in Miss Universe in the near future.

With pageant directors always seeking her participation, she politely declines their offer for now.

Instead, she wishes to grow more by building upon her skills in the pageant industry and going to college.